U.S. Veteran Employees Strengthen New Way® Workforce

Published: 04.07.16
SCRANTON, Iowa – Since the company’s inception in 1971, Scranton Manufacturing has welcomed our U.S. Military Veterans with open arms. Employing nearly 40 Veterans from every branch of the military, New Way® Trucks, a division of Scranton Manufacturing, has benefited greatly from Veteran leadership and work ethic. “Employing U.S. Veterans is very important to us,” said New Way CEO John McLaughlin. “Our Veterans have sacrificed so much for our Country; we are honored to have as many Veteran employees as we do. Their dedication to service and great work ethic, aligns perfectly with our strong company values and beliefs.”

New Way, an industry-leading manufacturer of refuse trucks, received a package from Mark Tisdale, founder of E.F.L.A.G.S. (Encouragement Flags Leading Americans to do Good Service), containing a pocket-sized American flag for each Veteran employee. The encouragement flags are a physical reminder of our soldiers, present and past, and their sacrifices for our country, and our freedom. “The E.F.L.A.G.S. are just a small token of our appreciation for not only our Veteran employees, but all past and present U.S. Veterans,” said New Way vice president of sales and U.S. Marine Corp Veteran Phil Allen. “It is natural for us to align ourselves with Veterans, because they respect God and Country, and that is what we stand for.”

In addition to supporting E.F.L.A.G.S., New Way is a proud supporter of Home Base Iowa, an initiative launched in 2013 by the Governor’s office. Home Base Iowa aims to lure retiring soldiers and their families to Iowa by promoting the supportive, caring, atmosphere that Iowa is known for, as well as linking soldiers with jobs across the entire state. New Way just so happens to be based in Greene County Iowa, the first Home Base Iowa community. Allen went on to say, “It would be an understatement to say we are proud, and grateful, to be part of this movement.” To date, 32 Iowa counties have been established as Home Base Iowa communities.

Those looking to learn more about New Way Trucks are encouraged to visit them online at www.newwaytrucks.com, or follow the company on Facebook. More information on the Home Base Iowa initiative can be found by visiting their official website at www.homebaseiowa.gov.

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